The 68th fine for delaying payment turns into labour insurance fund by committee of union grass - roots unit below , its utility and labour insurance fund are the same as 第六十八条滞纳金由工会基层委员会转入劳动保险基金项下,其用途与劳动保险基金同。
The 66th belongs to the committee of union grass - roots unit of industry of railroad , post and telecommunications , arms and committee of whole nation of mariner labour union , answer every months the odd part labour insurance fund , turn into committee of whole nation of each this industry labor indoor , as adjust gold ; do not belong to the committee of union grass - roots unit of committee of afore - mentioned industrial labor whole nation , answer every months the odd part labour insurance fund , organization of labor of the province that turns into directly under superior , city is indoor , as adjust gold 第六十六条属于铁路、邮电、兵工及海员工会全国委员会的工会基层委员会,每月应将劳动保险基金的剩余部分,转入各该产业工会全国委员会户内,作为调剂金;不属于上述产业工会全国委员会的工会基层委员会,每月应将劳动保险基金的剩余部分,转入直属上级的省、市工会组织户内,作为调剂金。